24 Jan 2025

Britt Allcroft

Especially for Britt Allcroft

A sad start to 2025 as it was announced that Britt Allcroft, creator of the "Thomas The Tank Engine" TV Series had passed away. It was so surreal to hear that the woman who created my childhood had passed away so suddenly, even while writing this blog it still feels like it's not true.

Many of you will be familiar with the show "Thomas The Tank Engine" but perhaps not as many of you will know of the late Britt Allcroft. She was an incredible woman who had such a fascinating life so today, as tribute to Britt, I want to tell you about the life and journey of this extraordinary entrepreneur.

Who Was Britt?

Britt Allcroft (born Hillary Mary Allcroft Coote) was born in West Sussex, England, in 1943. At the age of 16, she changed her name to Britt as she began to venture into the media world eventually becoming a TV & Radio Producer working for companies such as the BBC, ITV, and PBS. In 1979, while working on a railway documentary, Britt was introduced to the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and fell in love with his books, "The Railway Series" about Thomas and all his friends.

"It really didn't take me long to become intrigued by the characters, the relationships between them, and the nostalgia they invoked," Britt spoke to Awdry keen to bring his stories to life, but Awdry was hesitant after a few failed TV adaptations prior meeting Britt, however, he was eventually convinced and Britt went about acquiring the rights.

Thomas The Tank Engine 

In 1980, Britt Alcroft co-created what would later be known as "The Britt Allcroft Company" with her then husband, and over the next four years began raising funds to create Season 1 of "Thomas The Tank Engine", including remortgaging her home to produce a pilot episode. She collaborated with director David Mitton to film Season 1 with model engine props equipped with working eye mechanisms and smoke units all filmed on large sets the size of a household garage.

After scoring celebrity talent with Ringo Star as the narrator, the first two episodes of "Thomas The Tank Engine" aired on British TV on October 9th, 1984. The show was an instant success and in the years following would have a total of 24 Seasons and thirteen movies including a theatrical movie release. 

Wilbert Awdry, David Mitton, Britt Allcroft


Under Britts guidance, "Thomas The Tank Engine" went from strength to strength as she began marketing the show in other countries. In 1989 Thomas was introduced to its American audience through a new show called Shining Time Station", which would go on to win a Daytime Emmy Award that same year. Japan also fell in love with the little blue tank engine and following its introduction in 1990 it was another roaring success. 

Thomas had become a household name. Toys were plentiful across many ranges such as ERTL, Wooden Railway, Motor Road & Rail, and VHS tapes galore. In 1996 Britt Alcroft was approached by Paramount Pictures to write a script for a "Thomas The Tank Engine" Movie. After releasing Season 5 and a change in financial backers, a Thomas movie was green-lit and production began on what would become "Thomas And The Magic Railroad".

Thomas and the Magic Railroad

"Thomas And The Magic Railroad" was released July 14th, 2000 scoring big celebrity involvement including Alec Baldwin, Peter Fonda, and Mara Wilson (child star of Matilda). Britt Allcroft even had a role voicing a new magical engine named Lady. The movie became a passion project for Britt which went through many drafts and rewrites before its release showing Thomas on the big screen for the very first time.

However, Magic Railroad was not a success, receiving a 4.2/10 score from IMDb and a 21% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. The movie was not well received by fans and critics due to several aspects and would go on to change the general perception of the franchise. Britt, as writer and head of the company, would unfortunately be held accountable for the movie's failure. 

Post Magic Railroad

Following "Thomas And The Magic Railroad", Britt was forced to stand down as head of her own company but was kept on as an executive producer and later script consultant. When Britt stepped down "The Britt Allcroft Company" was renamed to "Gullane Entertainment". While the general perception towards the show was changed, the toy sales flourished thanks to the movie keeping the franchise afloat, this would be the pattern for years to come.

Gullane would go on to make season 6 and season 7 of Thomas The Tank Engine with a spin-off series "Jack and the Pack" while also acquiring many other TV licensees such as Fireman Sam, Sooty, Art Attack, and others. In 2002 "Gullane Entertainment" was bought out by"Hit Entertainment" which later dissolved Gullane. It was during this transition period when Britt Allcroft resigned from her remaining roles and from this point on would have no more involvement with the show.

In the years following her departure, Britt would keep a keen eye on the show and would voice her opinions on the various reboots the show faced. Even as recent as 2021 she would express her disappointment towards the "All Engines Go" rebrand, and how it simply wasn't Thomas.

An Unlikely Fandom

In 2023, a Documentary was created by Brannon Carty called "An Unlikely Fandom" which explored the impact that "Thomas The Tank Engine" had on children and adults alike. Britt Allcroft took part in this documentary being interviewed by Carty where she spoke of her time with the show and discussed why the franchise was still so appealing to people 40 years on.

During the premiere of "An Unlikely Fandom", Britt made a surprise appearance in which she received a roaring welcome from fans. It's heartwarming to think that the love for Britt and her work never faded and that she received such a gesture from the adults she helped raise.

Between taking part in the documentary, appearing at the premiere, and her warm reception to her fans, this was perhaps the most significant interaction Britt Allcroft had with the fandom she created and is a lasting testament to who Britt was as a person.

A special thank you to Brannon Carty for allowing me to use his work in this blog. A talented director and thanks to whom we got to hear and interact with Britt Allcroft in her final years and for that I say thank you, Carty. I highly recommend checking out his work on his platforms where he posts behind the scenes from the "Unlikely Fandom" documentary and his work with Britt.


It was thanks to Britt Allcroft that children across the world ever got to see Thomas and his friends on their screens. Without Britts involvement it is unlikely Thomas would have gained the success it did or garner the audience it has today. She thrived in a male dominated industry and created a show that could teach lessons to children and adults alike.

As a child, I loved "Thomas The Tank Engine", even as an adult I still have fond memories of "Thomas The Tank Engine". There is just something about the all model production that Britt and David created that really fascinates me. The show has created so many memories for me from watching countless video tapes and building track layouts all around the house. It also holds a special connection to my late nan who I loved very much as a lot of my early memories are with her and playing with my trains.

Britt, I want to thank you for all the love and attention you put into creating a show that kept me grounded and provided a space I could turn to as a child with undiagnosed autism. The memories I hold between me and my nan I will hold dear for the rest of my life and I have you to thank for that. We were very lucky to have someone like you in this world who created a show that influenced so many children and gave them a sense of entertainment, wonder, and comfort.

"Sometimes, all it takes is a little train engine, and the spirit of the child within us, to see the beauty in our lives, and hope that we can always find it there"
- Britt Allcroft

Dedicated to Britt Allcroft
1943 - 2024

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