3 Apr 2020

Covid 19

Especially for those who are concerned in these troubled times

We are in dark times, we are in strange times, we are in uncertain times. On the 12th of March 2020, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar made an announcement that all educational services along with childcare facilities were to shut as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. At the time of writing, it has been 3 weeks since the announcement and only more businesses have begun to shut. 

Why is this happening?

Usually in the news you hear of something for a few days then it's not reported anymore but in this pandemic, there's no let-up. It originated in China, then spread through Europe, and now has found itself in Ireland. But how did this happen? 

It is believed that the virus originated in Wuhan China where it was passed onto humans through infected animals used for food and medicine, bats and snakes are the possible culprits. The first record of this was in December but it wasn't announced as a global pandemic until March 11th.

There are some theories out there as to why this is happening which are just entertaining to think people believe these are true. Some of which have been initiated by Trump's cabinet where his Bible teacher has said Gays have caused "God's wrath". Trump's cabinet has also pinned the blame on Environmentalists, but all these accusations are just pure nonsense.

The situation we are in

In Ireland alone, unemployment has risen significantly, exam students such as Leaving Cert face uncertainty as their exam dates draw nearer, and mental health services have been shut leaving people in the dangerous position of being along with their intrusive thoughts.

All of our mental health is at threat of being consumed by unclear and pessimistic questions. What if I get it? What if Someone I care about gets it? When will it all end? What's scariest about these questions is that the answer to all of them is uncertain. 

So what can we do?

We can do our bit by keeping up social distancing by staying at least 2 meters away from each other with no physical contact, staying at home where possible, and avoiding social gatherings. Hygiene is also a must. We have to remember to wash our hands frequently, wear gloves where necessary as well as cover our coughs and sneezes. 

We must also try and do our bit to help people in need even if it's just collecting some shopping for an elderly relative or neighbor and leaving it at the door or checking up on a friend whos concerned by sending them a text.

Staying Positive

If you were to think about everything this virus has done, you might also see some good in all the bad. We have seen people come together. Remembering on St Patrick's day when parades were canceled and people took to the streets and brought the parade to the people so their neighbors didn't have to leave their homes. 

However, if you are worried about all that's going on the best advice I can give you is to try and stay as busy as you can at home. Have a movie night, call a friend, read a positive article, relive a piece of your childhood, start a home workout, bake something, do some mindful colouring the list goes on and on.

Also, we mustn't forget to be thankful to the people still working to keep things going. The people in retail who stack shelves or work on tills, volunteers who are going around local areas to help others and we can not forget to thank our healthcare workers who are on the front line, putting themselves at risk to ensure the welfare of others.

True, we are in dark, strange, uncertain times, but if you were to break it down and think about it, it's nothing we haven't lived through before. Mankind has overcome the plague, famines and two World Wars, we will overcome this too. But if there is anything we should learn from all this it is no matter how superior you think you are, you are still at risk like everyone else thus, proving, that we are all equal.
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