24 Sept 2022

The Beauty of Steam

Especially for those Rail Enthusiasts

For many, a train is just an ordinary train, a way of getting from A to B in people's busy lives without giving it a second thought. For others, myself included, the railways are the gateway to history, enthusiasm, and nostalgia. In today's blog, I'll be writing about the early days of the railways, how I became so fascinated by them, along with the personification and symbolism of the engines.

The Iron Horses

Back in the 1800s in the days of the industrial revolution, the main form of transportation for heavy goods would have been the canals which were very time-consuming and inefficient. Thus, the idea of a steam-powered form of traction was created leading to the invention of the steam engine which was often nicknamed "Iron Horses" due to their power and speed (maxing out at 30mph back in the day)

Childhood Memories

Many of you will know I grew up obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. I was infatuated with the little blue engine with his cheeky and brazen attitude along with all the other characters with their own unique personalities. Apart from the fact the engines had faces, the show's earliest days always had a more realistic tone in terms of story plots, settings, and the universe in general. Since it was originally filmed with models there were many scenes where you could debate whether it was an actual real life photograph or just a giant train set.

I always had a soft spot for and still do to this day for the original series as its what I grew up with giving me comfort in tough times when I was anxious, as well as the loss of my Nan (who would always buy me anything themed Thomas and letting me watch my videotapes in the sitting room while playing with my trains)

It is this nostalgia that advanced my love for trains, especially steam engines be they big or small. I have a fond interest in the old Tralee & Dingle Light Railway that would travel throughout Co Kerry. The railway ran from 1891 - 1953 opening once again to be restored and refurbished in the 1980s - 2006 for a tourist attraction running from Blennervile to Tralee

Myself and Dad with the restored engine
{Dated 8th September 2004}

Living Machines

Reverend Wilbert Awdry, The author and creator of the Thomas the Tank Engine book's "The Railway Series" describes the steam engine as "An extrovert who likes you to know how he's doing or how badly he's being treated" as if to say the engine will tell you how they're managing heavy goods or passenger train, if their crew is pushing them too hard or if they are just not feeling well. "He's always got something to say" he continues.

He recalls a time in his youth when he lived by a railway line and would hear a train going "beep beep beep" looking for a push up the hill. Another engine would buffer up behind and again go "beep beep beep" as if to say I'm ready, I'm ready. The train in front would struggle up the hill with heavy steam and loud puffs sounding like "I can't do it, I can't do it" with the engine at the back puffing "oh yes you can oh yes you can"

This would lay the groundwork for one of the most notorious stories in "The Railway Series" titled Edward and Gordon in book 1 "The Three Railway Engines". Fun Fact: Thomas did not feature in the first book Wilbert Awdry would publish, he did however make his debut in book 2  titled Thomas the Tank Engine.


While today the rails are scattered with diesel or electric passenger trains, they don't have the same life and pizazz as the more powerful, engaging steam engines. However, it is still possible to see some engines across Ireland in various preserved railways, museums, or even by checking out the "Railway Preservation Society of Ireland" online or in person. 

No.85 "Merlin" in Tralee, Co Kerry on a Railtour thanks to the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland


Either way, we could learn a lot from the engines. The way they start their journey at the station not knowing what lies ahead be it twistest and turns, a derailment, breakdown, or a mile-long passage through the dark and dreary abyss. But whatever happens, they can always rely on other engines to come to their assistance to help them back on track or guide them to the light at the end of the tunnel.

The railways paved the way for the future in terms of technology, travel, and Industry. I do wish to travel a bit to explore, travel, and experience some of the beautifully preserved railways for myself and see the mighty "Iron Horses" of history. Although, while not as significant or necessary today, these stunning locomotives still bring so much joy and delight to many of all ages as they stand the test of time showing us the beauty of steam.

Railway Preservation Society of Ireland: https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/


3 Sept 2022

Acceptance & Understanding

Especially for those who feel the whole world is going backwards

The 21st Century, for the most part, has been a very progressive era. Although looking at recent months it seems we have been going back in time so to speak. With hate crime on the rise, rights being revoked and the introduction of another war in Europe has led many to question their faith in the future. In this blog, I will be writing about what has been going on across the globe and why it is important we don't ignore it.


This blog is different from my usual blogs as I will be touching on more controversial topics. I will be expressing my own opinions which some people may or may not agree with. Feel free to agree with something I disagree with or disagree with something I agree with.


In April of this year, 2022, the state of Florida passed a bill labelled and I quote, the "Don't say gay" law. There are some, of what I describe as bizarre measures such as prohibiting the education or discussion of LGBTQ+ matters from Kindergarten to Third Grade and actually giving parents the right to sue if such matters are brought up in class. This may not sound like anything major but what you must realise is that it eliminates the normalisation of LGBTQ+ matters or existence in the youth of today and what will be tomorrow's future.

A lack of education leads to a lack of understanding and recognition which is vital if we are to live in a world of acceptance as well as the diversity that has been fought for decades. For those who don't know, the Stonewall Riots in June 1969 were the turning point of the pride movement not only in America but for the rest of the world. It began a series of pride marches advocating for the rights of the queer community spreading across the globe. It lit a spark that shows whatever happens you will never again silence the people of the pride community.


Also, a more recent issue is the introduction brought in by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 24th erasing the constitutional right to have an abortion. At the time of writing, abortions have been banned or restricted in at least 12 states with more expected to follow soon. This has caused mass controversy not only in the States but globally in both disgust and celebration. We see this ourselves at home here in Ireland as thousands turned out in Dublin for an anti-abortion rally not too long ago to actually commend the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

In my opinion, your body, your choice simple as that. There are many reasons why one may have an abortion and quite frankly it's not really anyone else's business as to why or if they want to have the procedure. This decision by the courts won't stop many people from having an abortion but it will increase the compilation, the expense, and the dangers of how some may receive one at which point the ruling will contradict itself as it will do more harm than good.


Everyone who hasn't been living under a rock will know what's been happening with the attack on Ukraine. Once again we see Europe at war after over 75 years of peace, all be it with tensions still present in that time. It seems that although many people are in support of the Ukrainian people, some attitudes have changed for many now that Ireland has started bringing in refugees.

I am in no way dismissing those living on the streets or in emergency accommodations because it is terrible that in this day of age this country is where it is in terms of homelessness and poverty. However, the Ukrainians have lost their family, friends, homes, belongings, lively hoods, practically everything due to the deluded decisions of a mad dictator of war, Everything. They didn't really have a choice in leaving their country, I'm sure they'd much rather be at home living their everyday lives just like they were before the invasion with the people they love and doing the things they love. 

The fact of the matter is that the biggest problem is not housing refugees it is the fact that we have had a housing crisis long before the war with people and their families constantly looking for houses because there just isn't enough around. I know this isn't the biggest issue for some, however, I do feel it is better to do something rather than nothing. We must help our friends and allies in their time of need not just because one day the tables may be turned and we may need the assistance of others, but because it is our moral obligation, for no sound minded person would wish what's happening in Ukraine onto another innocent sole.

"First They Came"

A good example of helping those in need would be the poem "First they came" by Martin Niemoller written in 1946 dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust. The poem is about how a person sat by and watched as people of different backgrounds were taken away while at the same time not speaking up for them. There have been a few different variants of the poem but all with the same message and the same ending,

"Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me" 

Meaning when the rights of people of different communities fall in the end there may be no one left to fight for you or for what's right. The fact of the matter is that in today's current age of technology and medical aid, we do have the power to end world poverty, feed the starving or care for the ill, but unfortunately, the main priority of many in charge is greed and power. If we don't tackle discrimination, corruption or people's high self of entitlement things will continue to go backwards. 


There is without a doubt more trouble going on in the world for different communities but if I was to write about every single one id be here all day as unfortunate as that sounds. How long do you think till people of colour, people with disabilities, or those of different religious faiths lose their rights? Will you lose your rights? 

At the end of the day, we are all humans trying to get through an already tough life. Will we see full acceptance and understanding of people's differences? possibly, though probably not in our lifetime. We may be in dreary times at the moment in many ways but just remember there is always light after darkness. I think Charlie Chaplin in one of his short films (ironically with dialogue) said it best.

"The hate of men will pass when dictators die and the power they took from the people will return to the people..."

"you the people have the power... the power to create happiness... to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure... let us use that power, let us all unit"

*Supports / Helpful Links*

Women's Rights

Number: 1800 828010

LGBTQ+ Supports

LGBT Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/
Number: 1800 929 539

Mental Health Supports

Text About It: https://text50808.ie/
Number: Text "Hello" to 50808 

Pieta House: https://www.pieta.ie/
Number: 116 123


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