28 Jan 2023

Story Time: Broken Arm

Especially for those who have had a funny injury story

Everyone has that one story, that one injury that others just laugh at cause it's just so funny as to how it came about. Well, today I'm gonna shame myself while also shaming some others by telling you the story about the one and only time I broke a bone in my body.

My Broken Arm

So basically the day started out like any other. Young 4 year old me was playing out in the back garden, my mum was on the phone and my two eldest siblings were inside. Everything was good. Then everything went downhill when the antagonist of the story came outside to torment me as he usually did. My brother Eric (pause for dramatic music)

We were out playing away until, for some reason, I decided to climb on top of one of those old "little tikes cozy coupe classic" cars children could play in and "drive" by moving their feet (I hope you know what kinda toy cars I'm on about, I actually had to go and look it up myself). The thing had a big cover which somehow I successfully climbed up on with no intention or idea of coming down.

Then my brother, for reasons unknown, thought it'd be a good idea to wave a Thomas train in my face just to tease me with it and those who know me well enough know I had a massive obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine. Why he would have done this I don't know, maybe he was just winding me up, maybe he had this long time grudge against me for being the youngest, cutest and most interesting child of the family and he wanted to "take care" of that once and for all

Either I leaned over the roof of the car and began stretching my hand out trying to reach the train, then it all went upside down from there, quite literally. I fell off the car roof and walloped off the ground. now my memory of the situation isn't the clearest after I fell for some reason, but I was told I fell asleep a bit after falling off possible due to my body going into shock

I am told my brother ran inside and got the other two siblings who came out and saw me on the ground. They had to do something, however, my mum was still on the phone so they couldn't bring me through the house because some things are just more important I suppose. So their brilliant idea was my sister would go into her room, open the window and they would then carry me through without having to disturb my mother. (just as a little side note we were in the ages between 4 and 14 so none of us had the best voice of reason in our heads)

They placed me down on the couch in her room and looked at me for a moment. My right hand seemed alright however my left hand was quite twisted and tangled in a way your arm should not naturally bend in. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that an arm should not look like that and decided to tell my mum. I was taken to the hospital, had my hand put in a cast and sent home more or less in one piece.

Overall it wasn't a terrible experience. I wasn't bawling with pain, no serious injuries and I got to buy something in Smyths because I was such a "brave boy". I do recall the worry from some that my arm wouldn't heal in time before starting junior infants, nice to see where some people's priorities lie. If I were to think of a moral of the story it would be to never trust the second youngest child and those little tikes cars are death traps! 

The very train that tried to end me!


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